What’s in a Name?
The following information was received from Fran Laflamme. As the “first” president of the Lost Villages Historical Society, Fran was there when the name was envisaged for our society. Fran took pen in hand and described for us the origin of our “Lost Villages Historical Society”. Now that the name “Lost Villages” is becoming known and is in widespread use, it would be wise to document the origin.
In the mid 1970’s, Mary Mack, the first female councilor in Cornwall and a pillar of the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry- Cornwall Historical Society, first used the name in a telephone conversation with Fran. She chided Fran for not being a member of that society. Fran told her she had a much stronger interest in preserving the story and artifacts of the flooded villages. “Ah yes, you want to tell the story of the Lost Villages.” remarked Mary.
The term had a certain poetic turn that stayed with Fran, and when, a few years later (1977), the small group met to form the present society, it was unanimously agreed by the members to use Miss Mack’s name.
The Lost Villages Historical Society is an incorporated nonprofit charitable organization. This group of dedicated individuals support the development of educational and museum archiving programs at the Lost Villages Museum Site in Ault Park, Long Sault, Ontario.
The members of the Society help run a variety of activities and events during the tourist season (early spring, summer and late fall). With this support, the museum site is able to operate six months a year.
One of the main goals of the Lost Villages Historical Society is to inform the public, and specifically school children, about the loss of communities which formerly existed along the St. Lawrence River, prior to the building of the St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project in the late 1950s.
We welcome the opportunity to have you join us as a member of the Lost Villages Historical Society, please click on the LVHSMembership link above, print the form and send it to the Lost Villages Historical Society (address on the form).
Unidentified pictures. Can you help?
Do you have photos or artifacts that relate to the Lost Villages, Seaway construction or shipping on the river?
If you would like to donate them, please contact us.
A variety of items are available for purchase at the General Store. Be sure to stop by during your visit to The Lost Villages Museum site. For a list of items for sale on the ITEMS FOR SALE link on this site.
The Lost Villages Historical Society received a grant from the Trillium Foundation which enabled students from Rothwell-Osnabruck School in Ingleside to create a CD of songs about the human impact of the Seaway project.
Ontario Trillium Foundation: http://www.otf.ca/
They were assisted on the project by musician James Gordon
A big thanks goes out to J. Danyleyko for the research and for providing most of the text in these pages. For more information visit: ghosttownpix.com
Lost Villages 8th Annual Ice Fishing Tournament (February 21, 2015) – Friends of the Lost Villages
Photos and Article Contributed by David Hill, LVHS Member

We had a good day at Hoople’s Creek. The weather was not as severe as earlier in the week, thank GOD! We could also walk to the various huts much easier this year. Last year it was very slushy.
We had a good team assisting; Sharon McCullough, Tammy Hart, Dave (Grumpy) Smith and Gord Summers. Dave was able to drive his truck a good distance out which was very helpful.
Claude Collette, who organizes the tournament, has always been very good to the Lost Villages. We had a hut with a wood stove where we could stay and count our money. The overall number of fishermen was a bit down this year, possibly the last spell of cold weather was a concern. I think we did very well in our fundraising. Overall we collected bit over $1,000.00, therefore the Lost Villages part of that is slightly over $500.00.
People, as always, were very generous. There was one hut way out on the lake. I debated whether to walk that far out. I decided to give it a try. That gentleman in that hut bought, I believe, $75.00 worth of tickets. He was also fishing with a combination of frog legs, shrimp and ESCARGOT! He also shared a delicious cup of coffee with me.
The person who won the 50/50 was Wayne McHaffie who owns the fleamarket north of Morrisburg.
Thanks again for all our GREAT volunteers: Sharon, Dave, Gord and Tammy. Thank you also Sharon for your wonderful cookies.